This Week Letter – June 6, 2021

Brothers and Sisters   This has been a good school of love!  At times I was the teacher, but more often I was the student. My thanks to all!   Your Priest, Fr. Paul    read more →

This Week Letter – May 30, 2021

Brothers and Sisters   That we all might be one…   Try to imagine what a beautiful relationship of love exists in the Holy Trinity. This is how it ought to be among us. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free person, there is not male and female, for you.. read more →

This Week Letter – May 23, 2021

Brothers and Sisters   The moment of the Coming of the Holy Spirit is the moment of the birth of our Holy Mother, the Church. Our Church is still alive and the Acts of the Apostles continue to this day.  God wants to write some new chapters in which every one of us –and that.. read more →