Spiritual Life

Ministers of Care

A large number of our parishioners are unable to attend Mass for various reasons. Sharing community with these shut-ins is a group of dedicated ministers who provide the most wonderful and rewarding service of visiting and bringing Holy Communion either weekly or on the first of the month only. Ministers of care are required to attend several prescheduled sessions to train for this ministry. The priests of the parish continue to bring the sacraments of Reconciliation and Anointing to the shut-ins annually and/or upon request. Meetings are conducted in the English language.


Wake Ministers

Wake Ministers provide an opportunity for families who have recently lost a loved one to share in prayer, love and concern. The program is designed so that two ministers plus a leader of prayer (priest, deacon or seasoned minister) visit the funeral home on the evening of the wake. This ministry presupposes decorum and a presence compatible with the circumstances. Attendance at preparatory sessions is required for all who would serve in this ministry.


Good Grief Group

The purpose of the Good Grief Group is to gather with those who are experiencing the death of someone they love. It is a place to find strength, to share wisdom and pain, and to remind each other that even in times like this — when life has been turned upside-down — that no one is alone. It is important to have a gathering place to find support and understanding, to vent, to share, to learn, to remember that the Good News is real and present and to prepare for the path ahead. The group gathers on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in the religious education office of the school. All are welcome. Meetings are conducted in the English language.