This Week Letter – May 10, 2020

Brothers and Sisters,   The words that Christ directs to us are difficult but are much needed in today’s reading; “Do not let your hearts be troubled.”  Is this not an expression of the greatest concern and love for each of us? Christ enters our everyday life, sees our fears and uncertainties, our worries and.. read more →

This Week Letter – May 3, 2020

Brothers and Sisters,   Brothers and Sisters … We are wealthy in the Lord!!! Let me explain. Each year, the fourth Sunday of Easter is called Good Shepherd Sunday, because on this day, we are reading together the 10th chapter of Saint John’s Gospel. In it, Jesus explains our relationship with Him. Jesus is our.. read more →

This Week Letter – April 26, 2020

Brothers and Sisters, I hope you have heard the Gospel that Mother Church gives us to consider on the 3rd Sunday of Easter. It is good that you ask questions after hearing the Gospel. One of the questions that bothers me is this: how to move someone’s heart? How can we become this kind of.. read more →

This Week Letter – April 19, 2020

Brothers and Sisters, I would like to know so much how to please God and always desire the same as He does. Of course, God has already answered the question “What do you want from us Lord”, with the words “You shall love the Lord God with all your heart, all your soul and with.. read more →

This Week Letter – March 22, 2020

Dear Brothers and Sisters,   In this difficult time that we’re going through together, I would like to assure you that as your priest, I am with you wholeheartedly. Not only I, but also all the priests of our parish support you with our prayers. Knowing that we need to adapt to the current situation,.. read more →

This Week Letter – March 15, 2020

Brothers and Sisters, I hope that the English language retreat in which we were able to participate  this past week helped you, if for but a moment, to draw on the “Source of the Water of Life”.   Have you ever used the breviary to pray?  If not, I urge you to consider this form.. read more →

This Week Letter – March 08, 2020

“Go in the peace of Christ and by your lives praise the Lord.” My Brothers and Sisters,   I hope you were able to pay special attention to your daily activities about which we spoke last week.    Today, I call your attention to the Eucharistic Liturgy in which we are participating and to the challenge.. read more →

This Week Letter – March 01, 2020

My Brothers and Sisters,   Are you listening to me?  Focus!   It would be difficult to enumerate the many times in our lives in which we have spoken or heard these words.  Probably a wife asks this question more often of her husband.  Then again, it could be the other way around.  Parents ask.. read more →

This Week Letter – February 23, 2020

7TH Sunday in Ordinary Time   ”So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect.” (Mt 5:48)   Christ’s words in today’s Gospel are the summarized teaching of Christ’s call to each person. For we are to be perfect to the extent God has prepared each person according to the charisms and talents we.. read more →

This Week Letter – February 16, 2020

My Brothers and Sisters   After reading a fragment of today’s Gospel, one can be taken aback by the words spoken by Jesus.  I would like to say to the Evangelist that Jesus certainly did not say this.  But  we do not have this right.  It appears that even today right has not lost its.. read more →